
Showing posts from January, 2019

Thoughts on prayer

The spirituality of the New Testament can be a complicated subject (especially when the man explaining it doesn't know it very well!). But one of the main points is the need for all Catholic spirituality to be based on Jesus Christ. Here's a couple of interesting (and accessible) thoughts on prayer through Christ: '"Jesus": The Shortest, Simplest, and Most Powerful Prayer in the World' by Peter Kreeft And here's a video on the 'Jesus Prayer' by Matt Fradd;

Talk 02 - Spirituality in the New Testament

There's no straightforward text on this subject.  You can find CTS pamphlets on Prayer in the Scriptures and Prayer in the New Testament which are good, but they don't say much about the other aspects of spirituality such as the sacramental life or Christian service. In terms of Jordan Aumann's work, Chapter 3 of Spiritual Theology and Chapter 1 of Christian Spirituality in the Catholic Tradition are the best things to read. Other useful work includes: Pope Francis Apostolic Exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate" on the call to holiness in today's world. This is the Holy Father's teaching on holiness from last year.  He approaches the subject focusing on Christ and the preaching on the Kingdom (particularly the Beatitudes). If you want to buy a book then here's a link to Blessed Columba Marmion on Amazon . And here's an article on Bl. Columba. Meanwhile here's the mosaic of Bl. Columba that was installed in the Irish College chapel i...

Talk 01 - An introduction to Spiritual Theology

"spiritual theology is that part of theology that, proceeding from the truths of divine revelation and the religious experience of individual persons, defines the nature of the supernatural life, formulates directives for its growth and development, and explains the process by which souls advance from the beginning of the spiritual life to its full perfection." - Fr Jordan Aumann OP Here is some general reading on the subject of Spiritual Theology: First, the two great overviews on the subject by Fr Aumann: "Spiritual Theology" This is a more 'technical' study of the subject arranged along classical lines. "Christian Spirituality in the Catholic Tradition" This is a historical overview of how Catholic spirituality has developed over time. Pope Benedict XVI General Audience 13th April 2011 This is a short but wonderfully concise treatment of holiness. And here's some material on the question of being SBNR - spiritual, but not rel...