Talk 06 - Franciscan Spirituality

Aumann covers St Francis, St Clare and the early Franciscans in chapter six of Christian Spirituality in the Catholic Tradition, pp114-118.  He also mentions St Bonaventure (who I highly recommend if you have the time and inclination!)

Pope Benedict covered St Francis of Assisi in his audience of January 27th 2010.  He spoke on St Clare on 15th September that year.

If you look through his audiences for 2010 you will find a number of talks on other Franciscans and Dominican saints.

Francis and Clare are conveniently covered in one volume of the Classics of Western Spirituality series.

Here's an excellent talk on Franciscan spirituality on Youtube by Br. Bill Short OFM.

Fr Casey Cole OFM is a great example of a modern day evangelist on Youtube.  He has loads of great videos on all sorts of issues from a Catholic and Franciscan perspective.  Here's one example:

Here's St Francis' Canticle of the Sun as composed by Marty Haugen.

If, like Fr Damian, you're more old school when it comes to hymns, here's another Franciscan hymn "All Creatures of our God and King".


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